Loretta Lane RFP #ED-23-03
Loretta Lane RFP #ED-23-03
Sale of Property for Compatible Commercial Development: Vacant City Parcel on Loretta Lane (GPIN: 2417-45-8332)
City-owned property for development for a compatible commercial use located in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The City of Virginia Beach, Department of Economic Development, is seeking proposals from an individual, user, developer, or contractor for the following:
The estimated land area is 1.04 +/- acres.
The City of Virginia Beach (the “City”) acquired the Property pursuant to its Oceana & ITA Conformity & Acquisition (BRAC) Program. The City desires to sell the Property to a qualified individual, user, developer, or contractor who will develop the Property in a manner that is compatible with the Historic Seatack neighborhood and the AICUZ restrictions.
The Property is split-zoned (R-10, B-2, and I-1) and thus a rezoning may be necessary. The Property lies partially within Accident Potential Zone 1 and partially in Accident Potential Zone 2 and is in the greater than 75 dB DNL Noise Zone. Permitted uses are limited to those identified as permitted in Section 1804 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
Scope of the Proposed Use
A development that meets all the applicable requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, and City development regulations.
Proposal Requirements
1. Submittal of Proposals:
a) Each respondent must complete and submit with their proposal a Proposal Form, attached as Exhibit E.
b) An original signed proposal and five (5) copies shall be submitted.
c) The City prefers that respondents submit a flash drive containing an electronic version of the proposal.
d) All proposals shall be received, and date stamped in the location described below no later than: Friday, October 14, 2022, at 3 p.m. All proposals received after that time will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the respondent.
e) Location for submissions:
Attention: Deborah Zywna
Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development
4525 Main Street, Suite 700
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
f) Packages must be complete by the deadline. Incomplete packages will not be accepted under any circumstances.
g) Proposals submitted by telephone, facsimile, or e-mail will not be considered.
Frequently Asked Questions
The reimbursement of a broker fee may be sought as part of an application, but is not guaranteed. The reimbursement of a broker fee is governed by the Economic Development Investment Program (EDIP) policy (Part C) and accordingly, will be considered by the Oceana Land Use Conformity Committee and the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority.
The City has not established a base or minimum price. The purchase price is determined by the proposer.